Hi all,
Haris Kurtagic of SL-King has been working on a REST extension for MapGuide, 
which basically exposes the individual features of MapGuide-authored FDO data 
sources as resources on the web.  The code is currently undergoing a major 
refactor to work around some limitations and make it ready for the open source 
community, so it probably won't be available for about a month.  However, in 
the hopes of gaining early feedback and generating interest, I've blogged about 
some of the technical details here:
http://tinyurl.com/mapguide-rest <http://tinyurl.com/mapguide-rest> 
and you can see a live example on the City of Nanaimo's new "maps" site:
http://maps.nanaimo.ca/data/property/ <http://maps.nanaimo.ca/data/property/> 
The beauty of this is that I didn't have to write any code, just had to do a 
bit of configuration.  As we get closer to being release-ready, I'll try to 
blog a series of short tutorials to cover the basics of configuration and how 
to work with this extension's Google CTemplate implementation.
If you have any questions or feature suggestions, please respond here or in my 
blog comments, and I'll do my best to respond.
mapguide-users mailing list

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