You could have the problem that .Net emits an utf-8 byte-order-marker (BOM), when
writing xml.

To counter this, explicitly create an encoding instance:
System.Text.Encoding enc = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false);

Then implement a xml writer, or manually convert the xml to bytes, using the encoding.

FYI, the MaestroAPI is LGPL, and so you may use it as a library, even for commercial applications,
and it handles this quirk and others.

Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S

sekko970 skrev:
Dear all,

I have created programmatically a map (and its layout) using MG .Net web
After creation, the new map and layout are visible in MG Maestro, and using
the 'Show in browser" button are correctly shown in browser.

The problem happens when I load the map directly from browser, and the
following error appears:
<< The type 'OSGeo.MapGuide.MgNullArgumentException' in assembly
'MapGuideDotNetApi, Version= 11, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable >>.

Then, simply saving the new layout from MG Maestro (without any
modification), and reloading the map directly from browser, the error
disappears and the map is correctly shown.

After saving the layout, there aren't differences in map and layout XML

Have you any idea about?
Thank you in advance.

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