Exponare is a new product from MapInfo Corporation developped by MapInfo Australia to 
replace their local offering called The Encounter (based on MapXtreme Java).
It is a RAD (Rapid Application Development) tool that sits on top of MapXtreme 2004 
but as today, out-of-the-box, the solution is perfect for local governement 
The first two modules of the Exponare suite are "Enquiry" and "Public".
For more info, go to : http://extranet.mapinfo.com/products/overview.cfm?productid=1862

Our product, also a RAD Tool, on the market since 1999, sits on top of MapXtreme 


So now, in the large MapInfo offering you have :


- Pure API for desktop and Web development = MapXtreme 2004 (formelly MapX and 
MapXtreme Windows)

- Pure API for Web development in JAVA = MapXtreme Java

- RAD Tool for local governement = EXPONARE (for MapXtreme 2004)

- RAD Tool in JAVA = Push'n'See (for MapXtreme Java)

- Location Platform Development = ENVINSA (Web services approach using all the JAVA 
technologies and Data of MapInfo)


Hope this clarify the MapInfo offering ...


Kind regards,



Luc Vaillancourt

Co-founder & Vice President, Business Development




www.korem.com <http://www.korem.com/> 


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RE: MI-L New Mapinfo product Exponare?   
Author: John Williams 
Date:   07-22-2004 09:09


Firstly, I have no answers. 

We are a reseller based in the UK that focus on PDA applications 
(www.handygis.com) but have customers that are asking the same questions 
of the 'enterprise' type solutions. Like yourselves they have 
considerable investment which to date they are happy with, but are 
somewhat confused on what the future holds. 

I personally would be grateful if you could summarise your responses in 
case some come to you direct and bypass the list. This is an area that 
will prove crucial to Users, Partners and MapInfo alike, so I'm not the 
only one looking forward to the feedback. 


-----Original Message----- 
From: Rod Ellis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 July 2004 16:38 
Subject: MI-L New Mapinfo product Exponare? 

Hi everyone, 

Can anyone enlighten me on the Exponare software which seems to be a 
relatively new product listed on the Mapinfo website? I am just 
wondering if anyone has bought into it yet or is considering it's 

We have bought into PlanWeb and PlanAccess (web GIS) which are both 
MapXtreme 3.0 based products from GDC (UK) Ltd who are Mapinfo resellers 
and partners in the UK. I should add that we are very happy with both 
thus far. Much of what Exponare appears to offer seems functionally 
similar to PlanWeb. So I am a little confused as to where this new 
product sits in the marketplace and who it is targeted at. 

Any comments anyone? 

PS it's raining and the UK summer seems to be stalled as usual! 

Rod Ellis 
GIS Coordinator 
Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council 

Ffon /tel. 01970 633221 

Safle ar y we / url: http://www.ceredigion.gov.uk 

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