Hello Cui,
you are correct about your investigations.
Now the help for further debugging:
In order to get more debug messages start Marble with
marble-qt --debug-info
This will also output things like
=== MarbleDirs: ===
Local Path: "/home/tackat/.local/share/marble"
Plugin Local Path: "/home/tackat/.marble/plugins"

Marble Data Path (Run Time) : ""
Marble Data Path (Compile Time): "/usr/local/share/marble/data"

Marble Plugin Path (Run Time) : ""
Marble Plugin Path (Compile Time): "/usr/local/lib/marble/plugins"

System Path: "/usr/local/share/marble/data"
Plugin System Path: "/usr/local/lib/marble/plugins"

... which should help you to see where Marble is looking for its data and 
Another cue: Starting Marble with
marble-qt -h
This allows you to adjust data and plugin path at runtime.
Adjusting it at compile-time can be achieved by changing these 
in the cmake call.
Hope that helps :)
Which problem do you want to debug? :-)
Best regards
Betreff: RE: How to debug marble-qt in build folder without sudo make 
Datum: 2023-03-19T17:46:19+0100
Von: "王璀 WANG Cui" <iucg...@msn.com>
An: "Torsten Rahn" <tac...@t-online.de>, "Mailinglist, Marble-Devel" 

Hi Torsten,

Thank you for the quick help!

You are right, I am building and debug marble on Ubuntu 22.04.

I do as your recommended, and added the built library paths:



into /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf

Now I do can run ./marble from build folder.

However, it shows a blank Marble window as attached screenshot, also below 
displayed in Terminal window:


$ ./marble-qt


Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use 
QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.


Map theme file does not exist: ""


No plugins loaded. Please check if the plugins were installed in the 
correct path, or if any errors occurred while loading plugins.


Falling back to default theme: "earth/srtm/srtm.dgml"


Map theme file does not exist: ""


Couldn't find a valid DGML map.


ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send 


ContextResult::kTransientFailure: Failed to send 


I guess it is because marble can’t find data/plugin path (which suppose to 
be installed by sudo make install)? Is there way to let marble also know to 
get such data/plugin from build folder?


Thanks in advance!


From: Torsten Rahn <tac...@t-online.de>
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2023 11:33 PM
To: ?? WANG Cui <iucg...@msn.com>; Mailinglist, Marble-Devel 
Subject: AW: How to debug marble-qt in build folder without sudo make 


thanks for looking into the adventure of compiling marble-qt (which should 
be relatively easy compared to other software).
Your problem sounds like a typical one that frequently happens to people 
compiling on Ubuntu/Debian.
As a possible quick fix you might want to start marble-qt on the 
terminal/shell via:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib marble-qt
In case this works you might want to follow up on this stackoverflow 
question (the common place where coders borrowed their 
knowledge/codesamples from before chatgpt arrived):
Hope this helps :-)
Betreff: How to debug marble-qt in build folder without sudo make install
Datum: 2023-03-19T15:54:22+0100
Von: "?? WANG Cui" <iucg...@msn.com <mailto:iucg...@msn.com> >
An: "marble-devel-ow...@kde.org <mailto:marble-devel-ow...@kde.org> " <
marble-devel-ow...@kde.org <mailto:marble-devel-ow...@kde.org> >


As I want to debug marble-qt and library, but after finish build, by 
default can run marble-qt in build folder as it won’t find library in 
system folder.

Right now I have to run sudo make install all these files, then debug it.

I just wonder is there a way to run marble-qt and let it find library and 
data in the marble/build folder, without have to install them after 

Thanks in advance.




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