I want to develop an application with a map. On the site you shared, you 
mentioned that I could achieve this with "QT += Marble". But I get the error 
"QT += Marble" is not defined. To avoid this error, I installed it on my Linux 
machine with "sudo apt-get install marble". There is no problem running the 
Marble application, but "QT += marble" is not available in QT. How can I 
integrate this?

Torsten Rahn <tac...@t-online.de> şunları yazdı (5 Kas 2023 00:02):

Hello Can,

unfortunately you don't mention any details at which point you fail and what 
you want to achieve. Without this information it's impossible to help you for 
the lack of a crystal ball. :-)

Best regards



Betreff: QT and Marble

Datum: 2023-11-02T09:33:24+0100

Von: "Can Ahmet Acar" <canahmeta...@hotmail.com>

An: "marble-devel@kde.org" <marble-devel@kde.org>


I am trying to use marble in Qt. I tried to use what was written on this 
website "https://marble.kde.org/dev-intro.php";, but I was not successful. How 
can I do that?


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