Hi all,

This is a mail from Michael Hammel (regular author with tuxmag, thak KDE magazine we mentioned a while back). He has some interesting comments, and a contact address for the editor.

Thanks for letting me forward the mail along, Michael.


Michael J. Hammel wrote:
On Mon, 2005-05-02 at 13:43, David Neary wrote:

Hi Michael,


I found out today that you're a regular author with tuxmag. Us over here at the GNOME Foundation noticed that it was pretty KDE-oriented. Do you think there'd be any chance of having a couple of gnome journal articles syndicated there?

Tux is still evolving. The new editor is still settling in and defining editorial processes. It's a work in progress.

Anyway, Tux has a defined focus on KDE because they think it has a
bigger audience.  I don't agree with that and, in fact, find KDE a bit
annoying.  I'm getting sick of the Linux/Unix desktop trying to look
like Windows.  If I wanted Windows, I'd use Windows.  Besides, I write
everything in GTK+ (actually, I'm being paid to muck up the kernel now,
but that's another story).  Don't know C++ and don't really want to know

That said, they have told us authors that they are interested in GNOME
articles too.  They'll take (or at least consider) articles on GNOME for
each issue but most articles will focus on KDE.

I don't think they'll take syndicated articles, but they might. Original (previously unpublished) work is probably going to be
preferred, however. One way I've found around this is to take the
original article and rewrite it from a different point of view or with
an altered focus - make it sound like it's new. Magazine article
writers will tell you that's one way to squeeze the most out of one
article idea. :-)

Any other contacts you can give us to help spread the GNOME word would be appreciated too.

The editor is Nicholas Petreley - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  He's a nice guy
but may not reply quickly.  That's common in the magazine world.  Just
have to be patient, and sometimes a *little* pushy.  ;-)  There isn't
anyone else to contact about it right now.  Nick seems to be the focus
for submissions for the time being.

Most magazines won't take syndicated columns or articles.  At least none
that I write for do.  All (Linux Journal, Linux Format, Linux Magazine
and Tux at the moment - the others I've written for have folded) take
unsolicted submissions.  Just write to them with a story idea.  Linux
Journal's editor is Don Marti and Linux Format's is Paul Hudson.  But LJ
wants submissions at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Linux Format takes them at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or maybe directly to Paul at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I think Linux Magazine still takes them at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] but I haven't written for them in some time so I
could be wrong about that.

Anyone who writes for GNOME Journal just needs to rewrite the article
(make it obviously rewritten - not just a few sentences changed) from a
new point of view and submit it to the editor of any magazine.  Then
cross your fingers.  That's kinda how it works.  Sometimes it's easier
if you're buds with the editor.  But I'm not that famous.  :-)

Let me know if I can be of any other help for the GNOME Foundation.

-- Dave Neary [EMAIL PROTECTED] Lyon, France -- marketing-list mailing list marketing-list@gnome.org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/marketing-list

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