
Claus Schwarm a écrit :
I'm afraid you gotta be a litte bit more precise: Who should care about
these claims? Windows users?

I'll try to explain...

We are involved in marketing GNOME.

90%+ of the world is running Windows. Of that 90%+, quite a few are hobbyists who haven't even heard of us.

So we should try to change that.

There are more people prepared to install something on what they already have than there are prepared to chuck out what they have to install a new system. So getting GNOME applications built for Windows out to people makes sense.

We want people to install an application, say "that's nice", and know that it's a GNOME application. GNOME is our brand, it's what we're trying to spread.

We want people installing GNOME applications on Windows to know that there is A Better Way (TM) - that these same applications work well on the GNOME desktop, and that there are a bunch of other applications available too.

So why work with the OpenCD? Because they have already done the work of nicely packaging a bunch of applications (including lots of GTK+ apps) for Windows. And at the moment, there is no GNOME branding on that CD at all, so people don't know that this software is coming from a bigger community and that there's more software behind it.

A windows user running a bunch of GTK+ applications is a GNOME user in the making (or a GNOME user who hasn't realised it yet). That's the message we want to get out to people.

Try to imaging a Windows users who has never heard about GNOME before.
To them this reads like:

 "Humpfty desktop software for free on Windows"

If you read it like that, you get a good impression what they will
think: "WTF is Humpfty?"

I like the idea of people asking themselves (and others) "What is GNOME?"

I really fail to understand you here. Why use the OpenCD? Maybe because
the point of the CD is to feed people piece by piece? Let them explore
the options in small steps?

The OpenCD is *ideal* for mainstream PC magazine cover CDs. Those CDs are shipped to hobbyists, the install rate off them is low, but some of these magazines have *big* circulations.

We should be working with the OpenCD to get the CD shipped to as many people as possible, and making sure that GNOME has a brand presence in there. We should be contacting magazines asking them to include the CD, and offerring to write short articles on what's on the CD. We want people to get the message that installing GNOME software on Windows is putting them on the path to a happier computer usage.


David Neary

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