On 12/15/05, Santiago Roza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You're certainly welcome to send whatever response you want, but I'd
> > suggest that there are many better things to do than respond directly
> > to Linus.
> cool then; message acknowledged.  i now understand that we're a
> marketing team that thinks:
> - our brand's image isn't too big of a deal, and we should just stay
> arms crossed if people trashes it in public with inaccurate
> statements.
> - external communications, no matter how polite and non-controversial,
> are a waste of time because they aren't "constructive".
> - trying to take advantage of a particular event that hurt our brand,
> in order to "repair" it in public, is another waste of time.
> that's such an innovative approach on marketing!  so innovating it
> contradicts everything i've ever been taught in college, and
> everything i've ever read... so i guess it must be way better.
> these are the times when i finallly understand why we are incapable of
> doing anything more complex (marketing-wise) than plain meaningless
> advertising.

Let me put this the other way around:

what exactly is it that you think that yet another round of discussion
on this topic will accomplish?

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