We'll of course be present at LWE Boston, even if Jeff will not grace
us with his presence. ;) More details forthcoming...

On 1/19/06, Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Upcoming Events
> ===============
> GNOME.conf.au is being held in Dunedin, New Zealand, in association with
> Australia's premiere Open Source developer's conference - linux.conf.au.
> Don't be confused by the .au, it really is in New Zealand. We're sharing
> linux.conf.au with our sheep-loving friends across the Tasman this year.
> Come along, enjoy the talks, buy a t-shirt (if there are any left!), and
> meet fellow GNOME hackers and users.
>  Where: Dunedin, New Zealand
>   When: January 24, 2006
>   Link: http://live.gnome.org/Dunedin2006
> FOSDEM is an annual, weekend event held in Brussels, Belgium for Free and
> Open Source software users and developers. It has a commanding reptuation
> for excellence in Europe, and the organisers are very kindly providing a
> room for GNOME presentations, workshops and fun during the conference. We
> are putting together a rocking schedule - if you would like to propose a
> talk, workshop or presentation, please add your name and title/abstract to
> the wiki page below.
>  Where: Brussels, Belgium
>   When: February 25-26, 2006
>   Link: http://live.gnome.org/Brussels2006
> LinuxWorldExpo, San Francisco is *the* big Linux tradeshow to be seen at,
> and GNOME will be there in force! Well, that's what we want to do, anyway.
> GNOME usually has a booth in the ".org pavilion", where all the cool FOSS
> projects hang out. Running a booth sounds a bit sucky, but it's actually
> really cool if you like talking to users, gathering feedback, showing off
> our latest work, and so on. Plus, it's a good opportunity to catch up with
> fellow GNOME dudes running the booth. ;-) If you'd like to help out at LWE,
> please sign up on the wiki page below.
>  Where: San Francisco CA, USA
>   When: August 14-17, 2006
>   Link: http://live.gnome.org/LWESFO2006
> Are you organising a GNOME presence at a local event? Create a page on the
> wiki and let everyone know!
> - Jeff
> --
> linux.conf.au 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand               http://linux.conf.au/
>    "The aim of the release process is to finish software, not to develop
>                          it..." - Havoc Pennington
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