Hi Marcus,

It's a great idea, and I like it in an alter-mondialist kind of way, but you'll probably be infringing on contracts that the IT store has with providers, and might get in trouble; I did want to point out one thing you said:

Marcus Bauer wrote:
Keep in mind the stores want to sell/make business and it is just
amazing that they forget about potential linux-using customers.

It's not amazing at all. Part of *our* problem is unwillingness to let go of marginal markets (for us, at the moment). "potential linux-using customers" for an IT store is probably around 1% or less of their clientèle. If they worried about it, they'd spend more money on that 1% than they'd get in return, at the cost of potentially alienating themselves from the core of their market.


Dave Neary
Lyon, France
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