I'l like

On 7/22/06, Guilherme de S. Pastore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Em Sáb, 2006-07-22 às 21:52 +0200, Vincent Untz escreveu:
> Hi there,

Hey! =)

> We're looking for a small group of volunteers to handle the writing of
> the release notes for GNOME 2.16. There's no need to be a technical
> person for this. Really.

I tried to help Davyd with the last one, and would be happy to lead it
this time, perhaps also in order to compensate for the minimal amount of
time I managed to dedicate to my modules along the past few months. ;)

We'll have some more work than for the last release due to nobody having
cared to keep http://live.gnome.org/TwoPointFifteen/ReleaseNotes
updated, but nothing that a little work with the eventual help of a
couple of announcements won't do.

> Oh, I nearly forgot about it: there's also the press release. Claus and
> Corey have been heroes there, but I don't know if they have time to
> continue...

I'd love to help here too, but don't think I'd have time for both. I'll
try to help here as much as possible, but would rather not promise
anything, at least for now.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Guilherme de S. Pastore
http://www.gnome.org/ * http://br.gnome.org/

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