
Wow, Dave, I was just going to write most of the things you wrote in
this message. Thank you for saving me time and energy. :-P


2007/4/23, Dave Neary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Thilo,
> Thilo Pfennig wrote:
> > a) I do not like that this was not discussed at all in the marketing
> > list. Such major things and announcement have to be discussed with at
> > least the marketing team
> <snip>
> > we are going into new directions without further
> > consultation of the marketing team.
> Where do you think the marketing team's mandate comes from, Thilo?
> We're not hired, elected, chosen, appointed or otherwise ordained by the
> foundation or the community. What do you think would make a community
> member working with a group of companies want to come to talk to the
> marketing team?
> Perhaps it's our great track record in getting press releases out in a
> timely manner.
> Perhaps it's the way we have come up with plans to address key gaps in
> the platform, gathered the main developers and maintainers involved
> together and pushed that agenda through to a main release.
> Perhaps it's the way that we have achieved such concrete results in
> raising the awareness and popularity of GNOME.
> Perhaps it's the valuable quantitative data that we have been feeding
> back into our development community to help them decide what the best
> direction to take is.
> I probably shouldn't start a Monday morning this way, but let me give
> the list a reality check.
> To be relevant, we have to be proactive. I've said this before, but
> perhaps I've been diluting the message. Here it is again: no-one cares
> about the marketing team. We produce nothing. We have not shown
> ourselves to be useful. So no-one is going to come and talk to us about
> anything until that changes.
> The marketing team is currently an island unto itself. We talk about
> stuff, and no-one is listening. We are navel gazers in the extreme. We
> have not had any significant successes come out of this group, certainly
> not as group efforts. The most significant successes have been
> individual efforts, or have come from outside this group.
> But let me finish with a word of hope.
> The marketing team can provide huge value to the GNOME developer
> community if:
> 1. We organise and encourage GNOME communication - working to
> co-ordinate user groups, conference representation, stands, marketing
> material and press relations
> 2. We take the feedback from that interaction (case studies, interviews,
> surveys) and condense that information into a useful form to identify
> gaps in the product(s).
> 3. We take those gaps, identify the people in the GNOME community who
> can help feed them, and sell our ideas to them.
> 4. Communicate about the filled gap, get more feedback, rinse, repeat.
> If you look at the key advances in GNOME, they all follow that pattern -
> embedded companies started getting interested in GNOME, we listened, got
> them collaborating (leading to key successes in the platform), and are
> now pushing the envelope even further in that direction.
> Federico Mena Quintero did a survey of big deployments, identified some
> technology gaps around lock-down and admin management tools, worked on
> fixing those, and the feedback loop reaches completion.
> We're still stuck on 1 - although we have lots of resources for that mow
> - mailing lists, servers where people can set up websites for user
> groups, a calendar where we can add GNOME events, a publication we can
> publish stories and case studies in, and some useful marketing material.
> There's nothing stopping us from moving into 2nd gear on that, and
> starting work on that feedback loop.
> Cheers,
> Dave.
> --
> Dave Neary
> GNOME Foundation member
> --
> marketing-list mailing list
> marketing-list@gnome.org
> http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/marketing-list
marketing-list mailing list

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