On Thu, 2012-02-09 at 07:40 -0500, Emily Gonyer wrote:
> As for shipping it around, all of the stuff that was there could not
> have possibly fit in 'the' event box as it was, and the bigger the box
> becomes the more unwieldly it becomes as well, so I don't think a new
> bigger box is the answer. How is the box currently moved around? Are
> we paying for shipping or are people simply checking it on their
> flights back and forth to different places, and then hauling it around
> from there? Is it too large to be checked as typical baggage? If thats
> the case, why not look into a large suitcase or two that could be
> easily checked as baggage?

They're usually shipped.  And the shipping isn't cheap.  I don't have an
actual cost of what it cost us to ship the GNOME box here in the US, but
knowing shipping costs, it wasn't a few bucks.  :-)

As for taking it on a plane with you, it wouldn't resolve the cost of
getting the box back to its destination storage location.  You'd still
have to ship it once you got back home.  But even if this were an
option, second-bag charges on airlines also negate this.  As expensive
as it is in many US airlines to add a second bag, its even more
expensive in EU.  I was once charged 100 Euros for a second bag in EU.

Overall, I simply don't find the box useful, as I mentioned in another
post on this thread.  There are better things to ship than what
currently exists if we're going to spend all that money on shipping
stuff.  I'm in favor of more awesome booths because the GNOME booths
I've seen thus far in the US have been quite dismal, but the box itself
isn't going to solve that problem.

Bryen M Yunashko

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