On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Tobias Mueller <mue...@cryptobitch.de> wrote:
> Bonjour :)
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 07:11:25PM -0600, Christy Eller wrote:
>> Yes, but I think what Allan was looking for was a reminder email.
> Well, it should be rather easy to convert Events from a standard format like 
> ical to emails.
> So if you provide a .ical file, one can parse that rather easily and send 
> emails based on the results.

My requirements:

 * Integration with common email clients (Google, Evolution,
Thunderbird, etc) - I want to see the marketing calendar alongside my
existing calendar

 * Ability to edit the calendar - updated should get passed out to clients

I don't see a need for email reminders right now and, as Tobi
suggests, I assume that people will be able to set up email reminders
based on the calendar, should they want them.

In the meeting we discussed the possibility of a calendar hosted on
Wordpress or an .ics file hosted on the GNOME infrastructure.
Wordpress would probably lower the barrier to editing for many
contributors. However, I do have a couple of concerns there:

 * Not exposing the calendar too much on the site. gnome.org is for
public consumption, and this calendar is very much for internal
purposes only (as much as we ever have something that is internal)

 * Keeping track of changes. It would be annoying if changes were made
to the calendar and it wasn't clear what those changes were or who had
made them. This is a problem that Git and the GNOME infrastructure has

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