On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Andre Klapper <ak...@gmx.net> wrote:

> On Mon, 2012-11-12 at 15:17 -0800, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
> > But I am looking for some good people who can fill the role of
> > community manager.  Clearly, we have a problem relating to our user
> > base and some of the decisions have become more controversial than it
> > needs to be.
> Could you elaborate a bit more what you expect a community manager to
> do, especially refering to GNOME?
Sure.  Here is what I envision:

The community managers are the interface between the general community and
GNOME project.  Primarily, their goal is to communicate GNOME design goals,
address concerns and common mis-characterizations of GNOME.  CM will
monitor mailing lists, blogs, and other places and engage.  I used to do
this quite often back during the 3.0.  I will say that it was somewhat
effective.  It was especially effective with kernel developers who I think
have a better opinion of GNOME than initially, but the contact must be

Additionally, I want to  add a filter on issues that are relevant or
different than the common complaints we have.  That might require filing
bugs on their behalf or maybe suggesting solutions.  Like I did for Linus
or others.

Another important aspect is that you want to also raise the profile of
community management.  They should have some input in release-team

At work, community managers exist for Yocto and are a big part of how Yocto
works and something we take seriously.

CM will need a thick skin, and will probably need to give a steady drumbeat
of information with an even, friendly tone, without getting emotional.


> --
> Andre Klapper  |  ak...@gmx.net
> http://blogs.gnome.org/aklapper/
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