On Monday 25 Oct 2010 14:25:36 David Nelson wrote:
> Hi, :-)
> I mentioned this idea in another thread but did not see any conclusive
> responses... so given the potential importance of the issue, I am
> broaching the subject in a dedicated thread...
> A project's logo and a software's icons (to represent Calc, Write,
> etc.) are among the most prominent visual information that users and
> potential users see.
> IMHO, LibO could maybe benefit from the creativeness of one of the
> talented graphic artists working the Web. For instance, Everaldo
> Coelho is one name that comes to mind
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/commons:Crystal_Clear).
> I'm suggesting that one could invite one or more of them to provide
> logo and icon artwork.
> For example, maybe they could create something like a new Tux. Linux's
> Tux is a friendly, endearing character that projects an image of
> approachability and ease of use. Such an animated little character can
> play a very useful role in communications. So I'd suggest the creation
> of a "living" mascot, which could be named LibO...
> Such a mascot could make a great ambassador for the project, that can
> easily be turned into derivative images
> and animations.
> I'd be delighted to make contact with artists on the project's behalf,
> if I got a clear go-ahead.
> If your responses are encouraging, I'd throw the idea on the table at
> the ConfCall later today. Thoughts about this?

I would oppose this in the strongest possible terms, when that has been done 
in the past, the artist, disappears after taking the glory and they are never 
seen again.  The art project became almost irrelevant because contributions 
were confined to birthday cakes and the occasional brochure and all of the 
high profile work went to the corporate staff or contractors hired by 
corporate partners.  if they feel strong enough about contributing they will 
join the community and contribute like the rest of us without the so called 
"generosity" of doing it "pro bono".  

We have the chance to build up the art project again by giving people 
meaningful projects, don't let's screw that up by bringing in "fly by 
nighters".  Longstanding contribution to the project should be prerequisite.


> Original discussion:
> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 08:35, Bernhard Dippold
> <bernh...@familie-dippold.at> wrote:
> > Hi David, *
> > 
> > David Nelson schrieb:
> >> Hi, :-)
> >> 
> >> I'd be interested in talking briefly about the idea of getting new
> >> logos/graphics
> >> designed for the LibO components (Writer, Calc, etc.) by one or more
> >> of the highly talented graphic artists to be found on the net. Is this
> >> something that is discussable, or have firm choices already been made
> >> in this respect?
> > 
> > I'd rather like to see someone joining the community not only for one
> > single task - future updates, additions, derived graphics are much
> > easier when the artist is a member of our group.
> > 
> > But if we could use the sources the artist used, this might be possible
> > nevertheless.
> > 
> > Kami asked the same on discuss already and I designed a first draft:
> > http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Marketing/Ideas#First_Draft_Bernhard
> > 
> > All these ideas are not fixed in any sense, so we should discuss it at
> > the ConfCall today (I'm still not sure if I can manage to participate)
> > and on a new thread...
> David Nelson

Graham Lauder,
OpenOffice.org MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

OpenOffice.org Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

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