On Tuesday 02 Nov 2010 22:52:31 Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Le Tue, 02 Nov 2010 10:29:38 +0100,
> Monfort Florian <florian.monf...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> > Le mardi 02 novembre 2010 à 09:27 +0000, Ian a écrit :
> > > > I'm going to suscribe to the French mailing list ( as I am French
> > > > lol ) and I think there are some people who could be interested
> > > > of being representative for France.
> > > > 
> > > > Should I talk about it ? Or is this something we should wait TDF
> > > > to be a legal entity ?
> > > 
> > > Bonjour Montfort,
> > > 
> > > Je ne pense pas que vous avez besoin de retard. Il n'y a pas
> > > beaucoup de temps si les délégués veulent obtenir du financement
> > > pour la réunion par leur Agence nationale de l'UE.S'il vous plaît
> > > diffuser aussi largement que possible. Cela va m'aider si ces
> > > e-mail intéressés moi si je sais que la mesure de l'intérêt.
> > > 
> > > Merci
> I think it's perhaps safe to remind everyone that this "certification"
> is not exactly a Document Foundation certification. First, we're in the
> process of establishing the foundation; second, we need to be working
> on a certification programme and I am not the only here, obviously, who
> thinks it's an essential matter :-) but we need to be working on it and
> give the time to do that. While I'm sure Ian has a lot of input on
> this, I would like to remind everyone here that the meeting Ian
> organizes is not done on behalf of the Document Foundation; as
> productive as it might be. I would have loved to join myself, but am
> running out of time.

I think you have missed the point, define "on behalf of"
Read back over the mails. It seems "on behalf of" to me, not wholly of course, 
because it takes a commercial organisation such as TLM to get this established 
and that has be self sustaining.  SUN wasn't selling StarOffice or Java or 
Solaris "on behalf of" OOo, yet that funded OOo.  Novell doesn't sell SLE "on 
behalf of" OOo yet that funds contribution to LibO.  

OOo bureaucracy rejected the opportunity of being involved in the INGOTs 
programme quite a few years back.  The foundation needs funding, INGOTs has 
the infrastructure in place to generate such funding.  If we were to sit 
around waiting for an In House Certification Certification the funding that 
would be generated by that (if any after costs were covered)  wouldn't arrive 
till the next decade given the glacial pace of OOo Certs development and the 
certification would probably be out of date and not subject to rigorous 
moderation in any case  The foundation does not and will not have the 
resources to apply rigorous Quality control to such a certification in any 

INGOTs assessment criteria are OfQual accredited, frankly, I doubt that LibreO 
will ever have the clout to achieve anything like that.  The certification and 
assessment  programme, because of that accreditation, undergoes continuous 
moderation and Quality Assurance by Education Professionals to ensure that it 
maintains the highest Pedagogical standards.

Developers are hard to come by, there aren't the numbers, however the 
community can come up with a sizable number of people who have the capability 
of becoming INGOTs Assessors/ Assessor Trainers in their local areas.  The 
project  does not need to be working on it's "own" certification (not straight 
away anyway) when a robust, proven, rigorously moderated Assessment and 
Certification programme is being handed to the project on a platter. 

Ian and his team have done all the work and have the systems in place.  LibreO 
has the geographical spread and a growing community and hence the ability to 
generate funding for TDF.  What better way to fund the foundation than through 
the efforts of the Community running grass roots certification programmes on 
behalf of their local community, on behalf of themselves and INGOTs and "on 
behalf of" the Foundation.


ps: Yes I am biased so sue me.  :)

Graham Lauder,
OpenOffice.org MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

OpenOffice.org Migration and training Consultant.

INGOTs Assessor Trainer
(International Grades in Open Technologies)

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