Good Afternoon.

After five years, he came out the second version of LibreOffice For Dummies, in 2015, launched a Crownfunding campaign to leverage resources for printing of this book, but to no success, I decided to leave it in digital format.

The first version of the ebook had ample success, with over 11,000 downloads recorded to the MegaUpload off the air in 2012 and many other copies distributed throughout Brazil, without the need to download.

In this version, and remove any reference to the extinct BrOffice.Org, because at the time I was writing this book were in transition period, updated all prints also been updated installation ways on Linux and Windows and in addition bonus of how to install LibreOffice on Mac OS.

This update comes at a good time, while Brazil is in crisis and thousands of companies, having to renew their licenses and need to reduce costs, certainly will opt for the use of LibreOffice. download for details can be found in

Good week.

Graduado em Administração de Empresas - UNISUL CRA/SC - 28721
Especialista em Educação Tecnológica e Profissional - CETIQT/Senai
Especialista em Gerência de Projetos de Tecnologia da Informação -
Mestrando em Direção e Administração de Negócios - Universidad de La
Membro do Rotary Biguaçu/SC
Currículo Lattes -

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