Hi Glen,

On 14/08/2018 20:25, Glen Murrant wrote:
> The header image with the icons is clean and professional (nice work!)
> but the image should convey the message - even without words. As for the
> message itself, we seem to have overlooked the fact the LO6 is
> compatible, flexible, and a viable alternative to other closed,
> propriety  products.

Sure, that's would be great! But then we need an image that can convey
that we're a free office suite, made by a community (that people can
join), compatible, flexible, and a viable alternative to other closed,
propriety products. I can't think of how to do that in just an image,
but I'm not really a designer so I'm probably missing something. If you
have any suggestions for an image that expresses all that, let's try
it :-)


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