The aim should, I think, be to come up with a logo that is both distinctive and 
simple. The more lines and shapes included in a logo the longer it takes to 
assimilate in the brain, and become intrinsically linked to a brand or product. 
The inclusion of alphanumerics, even in a distinctive font, can lead to 
ambiguity and don't help with internationalisation. Think of the really 
successful logos - they are all very simple - the 4 coloured squares of 
Microsoft or the 4 interlinked circles of Audi. Compare them, at the other end 
of the spectrum, with the logos for Peugeot and Vauxhall cars - both of which 
need to be studied to even work out what it is you are looking at.


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From: Italo Vignoli <>
Sent: 30 March 2021 22:06
To: Tdf Marketing <>
Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] Visual Identity of LibreOffice Ecosystem

We have started brainstorming about the development of a visual identity
for the LibreOffice Ecosystem, to help the recognition of companies and
individuals developing products based on the LibreOffice Technology or
doing business around LibreOffice.

We would like to get community members' opinions about this idea. Having
a visual identity would have a positive effect, as it would help
recognizing LibreOffice Ecosystem members, and would help TDF marketing
in supporting the annoucements under a single umbrella.

We are open to other opinions, and before launching a contest - based on
the experience of the anniversary visual - for the development of a logo
we would like to understand if the community feels it appropriate to
have such a visual identity (based on the logo).

Discussion is open on this list until April 20, in order to be able to
provide a summary for the following BoD meeting on April 23.

Thanks, Italo

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
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