As others have pointed out we can have many ways to contribute and support the 
TDF. Is it possible to merge that info together and others can choose according 
to their capacity?

Frequent request may not be a good idea. I think an interval of six months 
would be good so that it won't look like forcing people.


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-------- Original Message --------
On 28 Apr 2021, 15:20, Mike Saunders wrote:

> Hi Marc,
> Thanks for your feedback!
> On 27.04.21 20:18, Marc Paré wrote:
>> IMO, best we consider all categories of donations to the project,
>> whether it be code, design, QA, Docs, Marketing, Advocacy, financial
>> supporters to the project (this is our donor-base). If one is assuming
>> that the code alone has made the project what it is, then, it would be a
>> sad statement on the TDF/LibreOffice project and would do nothing more
>> than be-little all of the other contributors donation to time, help and
>> financial support to make LibreOffice so great a project.
> Yes, I agree, which is why the "Get involved" infobar button points to
> this general page, rather than one specifically about coding:
> This page tries to highlight the many different ways to get involved,
> and has non-coding "bite-size tasks" at the start too.
>> So, yes, I am for this. As far as frequency, I favour every the three
>> month info-bar. I think every second month a little too quick. I would
>> also favour more like:
>> * after 3 months -- info-bar on "Get Involved"
>> * after 6 months -- info-bar on "Donate to support ..."
> That's the current setup that we're using, so you think it's best to
> leave it like that -- is that right?
>> To be transparent of these info-bars, I would like it to appear
>> somewhere on the official LibreOffice site where the frequency is shown
>> and perhaps also the rationale for the frequency and a good explanation
>> of what is meant as "Get Involved" and "Donate ..." (or linked to their
>> appropriate pages). Make it clear as to where the money is being
>> invested and to the German non-profit/charitable laws governing the use
>> of the money ... do the German non-profit/charitable laws/rules force
>> the project to spend all of the donation income within that fiscal year?
> The page that we link to has an
> infographic on the right showing what the money is being used for, and
> some text underneath about the non-profit status. There's also a link to
> "financials and budget", although it's further down the right-hand
> column. We're working on a website redesign now, so maybe we can make
> those more prominent on the donate page...
> Cheers,
> Mike
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