Hi Thibault,

Yes, of course, I am happy to join.

Can I use a short presentation about ODF?

Best regards, Italo

On 4/19/22 15:55, Thibault Martin wrote:
Hello LibreOffice marketing,

I work for Element <https://element.io/>, one of the popular Matrix clients. We 
organise monthly events called Open Tech Will Save Us 
<https://matrix.org/open-tech-will-save-us/>. The goal of those events is to try to 
understand the social impact software has on our societies, and how libre software and open 
standards can make it more positive.

As for the format, it consists of an online event where three guests come to 
talk for 20 to 30 minutes about their project and how it’s related to the theme 
of the episode. The host then picks questions from the audience and asks them 
to the guests.

Our next episode is going to be on open standards, and The Document Foundation 
naturally comes to mind! Would somebody be available on Wednesday 27 between 
18:00 and 20:00 CEST, to have a live streamed conversation about LibreOffice, 
The Document Foundation, the OpenDocument format and why they matter?

Best regards,

Italo Vignoli - it...@vignoli.org
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829
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