Hello everyone

I'm sorry, if my english is not perfect. I hope you understand me.

Months ago I wrote here and I told, that I want to give back, what I have get from LibeOffice. Somebody sent me a link and a banner and I put them to my own banner advertising system. 8200 peole has seen that banner and I hope that some people has went to LibreOffice and get it.

I offer that same again.

If you send me a new banner, I can advertise it. I don't promise tens of thousands ads, but some.




Marc O'Brien kirjoitti 20.9.2022 02:54:
Hello everyone,

An emphasis makes sense and does not mean by any means effecting
efforts in the G-7 countries.  For context and external data point,
ProjectLibre will be similar and we are used at 1,500 Universities.
This leads to many post-graduate users instead of Microsoft Project.

We actually did social media last week highlighting usage in the
smallest 10 countries in the world.  LibreOffice will be the same with
users in all corners of the world.  It was effective and you have far
more users than ProjectLibre….. Great job and it is really important.
We get feedback daily on the need for the desktop version instead of
our Cloud beta.  They don’t have the reliability and depend on the

 Marc O’Brien

 Replacing Microsoft Project
 in over 200 countries

Please help us on Social media by clicking below

On Sep 19, 2022, at 4:25 PM, Christopher Dreher <c_dre...@comcast.net> wrote:

Hi everyone,

We need to produce LibreOffice to be promoted for educational institutions internationally. The US market is too saturated with Microsoft and Apple products. I, firmly, believe that there is great potential in providing LibreOffice in Africa, South America, and Asia. The North American and European markets are too contested for Microsoft and Apple products. Let's try to win over the markets where LibreOffice has the most attainable appeal- developing nations with modest IT budgets to allocate towards Microsoft Office, or Apple suites. Google is our main competition. Let's expand our efforts!


Christopher Dreher

On 9/19/2022 4:13 PM, Italo Vignoli wrote:
Let's organize a marketing call after LibreOffice Conference to discuss potential activities

On 9/19/22 22:01, James Harking wrote:
Hi all,

It's good to see some activity. Is there any topics coming up where
volunteers could get involved?

Kind regards,


On Mon, 19 Sept 2022, 8:27 pm Italo Vignoli,<it...@libreoffice.org> wrote:

The next release of LibreOffice will be 7.5 because there isn't any
change in the development focus on interoperability. The fact that apart from LibreOffice 3.x there wasn't a x.5 release is just a coincidence.

We will start working at marketing of LibreOffice 7.5 in November, when we approach Alpha and Beta status (and the release notes will include all new developments). In the meantime we can have a video chat after
the LibreOffice Conference, to discuss about how to contribute.

Best regards, Italo

On 9/19/22 20:02, Marcin Zolisiarz wrote:
Dear All

I’ve just wanted to ask whether the next release of LibreOffice would be
7.5 or 8.0?

I saw that in the code there is still 7.5 in the configure.ac, but to
time no x.5 releases were made, just after x.4 there was a brand new
release with major improvements and features be it ODF 1.3 or revamped
When this decision will be made and how can I contribute to the next
release in a meaningful way?


Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 -emailit...@libreoffice.org
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