
Thanks to everyone who showed up for the meeting today. Minutes from
the IRC meeting are here:

We're continuing to plan our US Summer Hackfest which is currently
slated to occur in Boston in late July:

At our next meeting in June we'll have a lot more information about
the Summer Hackfest. Instead of our usual IRC chat, we'll try
video-chat using WebRTC in the browser[1]:

I'll also be searching for a more permanent time for our monthly
meetings. It looks like 5pm is the earliest that the West coast can
make on a weekday, so hopefully something in 5pm/5:30/6 PDT
(8pm/8:30/9 EDT) will work. I'll send out a poll in the next week.


Robinson Tryon
LibreOffice Community Outreach Herald
Senior QA Bug Wrangler
The Document Foundation

[1] Assuming that everything goes well in our tests ahead of time --
some of these implementations are pretty new technology! :-)

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