Quoth Brian Holtz:

> And thanks for not defending the claim that in the
> context of the Iraq civil war there is significant crossfire between
> Kurds
> and Turks.

Why should I defend it when I don't have to? The Center for Strategic
and International Studies already has, in "Iraq's Insurgency and Civil
Violence: Developments Through Late August 2007," noting cross-border
shelling of villages in Iraqi Kurdistan by Turkish forces, the massing
of Turkish forces on the Turkey/Iraq border, and the trend of
insurgent operations (i.e. civil war battles) away from Anbar/Baghdad
and toward Mosul, Kirkuk and other Kurdish areas.

It's likely that the Turks are at least as involved in aiding Iraqi
insurgent groups as Iran is, likely that that has resulted in US
casualties, and unlikely that we'll get a very clear picture or
accounting of the "crossfire" impact any time soon -- Turkey is a NATO
member and putatively a US ally and the US wants to keep it that way;
Iran is neither, and the Bush administration seems to be seeking a
reason to expand the war in Iran's direction.

Tom Knapp

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