Quoth Wes Carr:

> Congress is pushing NASA to keep the shuttle flying till 2015, five
> years past it's retirement date. Those idiots are going to get more
> people killed, and if it happens the blame will fall on NASA and
> not the politicians. Every shuttle launch takes funds away from the
> Constellation Program, which is our only chance of going back to
> the moon or Mars. We lost our momentum 35 years ago, and it's past
> time to get it back.

Actually, wasn't the shuttle program _originally_ supposed to be
retired some time in the 1990s? They orbiter airframes were originally
certified as useable up to 100 flights each, but I'm pretty sure a lot
of the other components had a shorter projected lifespan and that
retirement was intended as several systems reached the point where
rebuild/recertification would be an expensive proposition at a time
when we should long since have passed into new craft.

I'm skeptical of Constellation. So far, it seems to be mainly a pulpit
for more expensive versions of existing capabilities (not all of them
originated in the "public sector"). It's far from "the only chance,"
and I suspect that all things considered it's way down the list of
"good chances."

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