Dear Marmam subscribers,


I've asked around for information on sei whale dive depths and durations,
but have only been able to turn up some basic information on respiration
rates published in Schilling et al 1992's paper in Fishery Bulletin and in
the Gambell chapter in the Handbook of Marine Mammals (that notes durations
of up to 15 mins, but with no supporting source for that information). I've
contacted various folks at NMFS and other locations, but haven't been able
to turn up much. I know that there has been some recent sei whale tagging
work off the Azores, though I haven't seen any dive information published
yet. If someone out there has information that could help me, I would very
much appreciate it if you would contact me directly.


With regards,


Dagmar Fertl

Marine Mammal Biologist

Geo-Marine, Inc.

2201 Avenue K, Suite A2

Plano, Texas 75074 USA


FAX 972-422-2736



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