Dear Marmam folks:

It is my great pleasure to share with you the initial announcement and call for 
papers for the new Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences (JESS). JESS 
is the official journal of the Association for Environmental Studies and 
Sciences (AESS) and will be published by Springer. More information is 
available below, including a link to the JESS website, where you will find all 
relevant information. We are extremely excited about the journal and its 
potential impact on the dissemination of interdisciplinary and other content 
relative to environmental and natural resource problem solving. We believe that 
JESS fills a niche in environmental scholarship that has not before existed 
among academic journals, and hope you will take advantage of its format and 
content in considering outlets for your work.

JESS seeks a much broader array of scholarly work than Marine Mammal Science, 
Aquatic Mammals, Conservation Biology, or other journals that frequently 
include marine mammal-related content. For those of you in the Marmam community 
whose work crosses disciplinary boundaries, is explicitly interdisciplinary, is 
applied or problem oriented in a disciplinary manner, or is otherwise broader 
than the scope of most natural science journals, JESS welcomes your 
submissions. More guidance is available in the journal's aims and scope and 
instructions for authors, on the JESS website.

Formal questions about JESS should be addressed to Tony Rosenbaum, the 
journal's editor-in-chief (e-mail below), though I am happy to respond to 
informal inquiries as well (I am a member of the editorial board and have been 
involved in the development of the journal since the idea first took shape).

Thank you!


Rich Wallace
Environmental Studies Program
Ursinus College<>

p.s. apologies for cross-postings!

The Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) is pleased to 
announce the launch of the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 
(JESS), the official publication of the Association. The Journal will be issued 
quarterly in electronic and hard copy by Springer Publications beginning in 
early 2011. We invite you to submit articles for the Journal.
AESS is an independent professional association designed to serve the needs of 
environmental scholars, scientists, practitioners and students who value 
interdisciplinary approaches to research, teaching, and problem-solving. We 
encourage you to join as a member and become an original subscriber to the 
Journal. To join or to find more information about AESS, please visit

The AESS and Journal provide venues for the advancement of interdisciplinary 
approaches to the study of the coupled human-nature systems. A major goal of 
AESS is to encourage this advancement by promoting related teaching, research 
and service and by facilitating communication across boundaries that may 
inhibit environmental discourse across traditional academic disciplines. This 
commitment also involves supporting the professional development of Association 
members and advancing the educational status of Environmental Studies and 
Environmental Sciences programs.

The Journal, available to all AESS members, provides a peer-reviewed, 
academically rigorous and professionally recognized forum for the publication 
of explicitly interdisciplinary environmental research, policy analysis and 
advocacy, educational discourse and other related matters. Contributions are 
welcome from any discipline or combination of disciplines, any vocation or 
professional affiliation, any national, ethnic or cultural background. Articles 
may relate to any historical and global setting. The Journal provides several 
submission categories:

* Research and Theory.

* Research Briefs.

* Environmental Education

* Policy Analysis

* Commentary and Opinion

* Book Reviews and Review Articles

* Special Issues and Symposia

* Letters

Additional information about submissions and instructions for authors are 
available at the Journal website:

Dr. Walter (Tony) Rosenbaum of the University of Florida serves as the Editor 
in Chief. The Editorial Board includes a diverse range of scholars, policy 
practitioners, and related professions whose expertise extends broadly across 
the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and other disciplines related to 
interdisciplinary environmental study, including Ellen Hines, Riley Dunlap, 
Daniel Kammen, Carolyn Merchant, Thomas Dietz, Michael Kraft, Paul Mohai, 
Miranda Schreurs, Jeffrey Stein, Stacy Vandeever, Stephen Hubbell and many 
others. Reviewers exemplify, as well, a regional and global diversity 
appropriate to the breadth of interdisciplinary environmental studies. 
Inquiries about the Journal should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief:<>.

Please also remember to mark your calendar for AESS's 2011 Annual Meeting and 
Conference, "Confronting Complexity" to be hosted by the University of Vermont 
on June 23-26, 2011.


Richard L. Wallace, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies
Ursinus College
P.O. Box 1000
Collegeville, PA 19426
(610) 409-3730
(610) 409-3660 fax<>

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