Dear friends
This is a friendly reminder about the *LAJAM - Special Issue on Biology and Conservation of the Giant Otter*. Please remember the deadline for submission of letters of interest with an abstract is *November 30th, 2011.
Miriam Marmontel, Fernando Trujillo, Paul Van Damme, Jessica Groenendijk, editors of the special issue

Em 20/10/2011 02:27, Miriam Marmontel escreveu:
Dear Colleagues (apologies for cross postings)

We are pleased to announce that the /Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals/ (/LAJAM/) will publish a *Special Issue on the Biology and Conservation of the Giant Otter *(/Pteronura brasiliensis/) by the end of 2012.

/LAJAM/ is published twice a year by SOLAMAC (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos/Sociedade Latino-Americana de Especialistas en Mamíferos Aquáticos) and SOMEMMA (Sociedad Mexicana de Mastozoología Marina/Mexican Society for Marine Mammalogy).

/LAJAM/ publishes articles concerning research, management and conservation biology of aquatic mammals in Latin America. Articles on theory or techniques broadly applicable to the study of aquatic mammals are also considered. For this Special Issue we encourage submissions dealing with the distribution, population status, biology and ecology of the giant otter, as well as dealing with human-otter conflicts, population genetics, ex-situ conservation, sampling methods, etc.

/LAJAM/ publishes five types of contributed manuscripts: Articles, Notes, Reviews, Comments and Short Communications. Manuscripts must be written in English. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by at least two anonymous referees for scientific content.

Guest Editors of the special issue are Jessica Groenendijk (Peru), Fernando Trujillo (Colombia), Paul Van Damme (Bolivia) and Miriam Marmontel (Brazil).

We invite you to send a letter of interest, including an abstract, to the Lead Guest Editor (Miriam Marmontel <>) and Fernando Trujillo ( *before the 31 November 2011*. Decision will be communicated by 31 December 2011 and selected authors will be required to _submit final manuscripts by 31 March 2012_.

Miriam Marmontel and Fernando Trujillo

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