Dear MARMAM readers,

The Inter-University Centre for Cetacean Research (CIRCE), in collaboration
with the Research Unit on Cetaceans of the Department of Earth, Environment
and Life Sciences (DISTAV), University of Genoa (Italy) promotes the
specialization Course
is available at:

Registration is open until 12 noon of the 24 February 2017.

The course, 12 educational credits, will be held in Genoa in the period
March-May 2017; it aims to train experts in the monitoring of cetaceans and
is open to biologists, naturalists, veterinary doctors and graduates with
experience in the marine sector (protected areas staff, local
administrators, law-enforcement officers).

The course will last 96 hours and will consist of class teaching and
practical lessons on board, organized as specified below.

The lectures will be led by researchers skilled in different fields of the
cetacean monitoring, coming from the Universities of Genoa, Siena, Turin,
Padua, Palermo, Tuscia, and by personnel belonging to  the National
Research Centre (CNR) and the Coast Guard.

*Classroom activities* (8 credits, 64 hours) (Friday and Saturday from 9:00
am to 6:30 pm):

1. Biology and Ecology of cetaceans:

• Adaptations for return to water

• Ecology of the Mediterranean Sea species

2. Anthropogenic impact and risk mitigation activities:

• Noise pollution and risk of collisions

• Over-fishing and by catch

• Chemical pollution and evaluation of the toxicity status

3. Monitoring techniques:

• Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and sampling designs

• Distribution models and statistical analysis for the study of the habitat

• Techniques of photo-identification

• Use of drones

• Population and Conservation Genetics

• Techniques for the study of behaviour

4. Management Activities:

• National and European legislative instruments for the protection of

*Offshore activities* (4 credits, 32 hours):

Lessons on board of an inflatable boat 11 m l.f.t.equipped for cetacean

*Admission requirements*: Bachelor Degrees and Magisterial Life Sciences,
Environmental Sciences, Biology, Veterinary Medicine, Natural Sciences and
other equivalent, and personnel of Marine Protected Areas, Parks, (academic
degree or secondary school diploma and working experience).

*Participation fees*: 900
​ ​
€ attendance to the course + 16
​ ​
€ revenue stamp.

The course is also open to foreign students. Classes will be held in

For more information please read the notice ( or contact:

Alberta Mandich - Jessica Alessi

Organizing committee

Interuniversity Centre for Cetacean Research

DISTAV - University of Genoa

Phone: +39 010353 8046 - 8054

Francesca Livrieri

Education Manager

DISTAV - University of Genoa

Phone: +39 0103538055

Kind regards,

Dr. Alberta Mandich & Dr. Jessica Alessi

*Dr.ssa Jessica Alessi*

*Phd in Marine Science*
​*010 353 8054*

Unit of Cetacean Research
Genoa University (DISTAV)

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