I would like to post the following announcement for those wishing to organize 
workshops for the upcoming SMM Biennial Marine Mammal Conference in Halifax, 
Nova Scotia, Canada in October 2017:

SMM 2017 Workshop Application Information
The Society will be hosting two days of workshops immediately following the 
biennial conference, on Saturday and Sunday 28-29 October, 2017. Around 28 
workshops will be held at the Scotia Bank Centre, the official conference 
venue, unless otherwise stated. The number of rooms available is limited (with 
sizes to accommodate 35-150 participants - there are fewer larger rooms).
If you wish to propose/host a workshop see the FAQ and fill out the proposal 
form at https://www.xcdsystem.com/smm/abstract/index.cfm?ID=MtO03hP This form 
will ask you to provide a title, a summary of the workshop theme and relevance, 
estimated number of attendees, contact information for the proponent etc. 
Except in cases where unusual audiovisual equipment is requested, the full 
costs of these workshops will be covered by the registration fees paid by 
workshop attendees.
Please complete the online submission form by 29 March 2017!
Immediately after that date members of the SMM Committee will review and rank 
the submissions; proponents of the top-ranked 28 submissions will be notified 
of acceptance and given further instructions.
If you have questions, send a message with the subject line “Workshop 
submission SMM 2017 question”to:
Dr. Jack Lawson, Lead, Scientific Workshop Committee
Marine Mammals Section,
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre, 80 E. White Hills Rd
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
Canada   A1C 5X1

I hope to see many of you in Halifax in 2017!
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