Dear MARMAM community,

My co-authors and me are pleased to announce that our paper on ambient sound in 
the Southern Ocean has been published online (open access):

The influence of sea ice, wind speed and marine mammals on Southern Ocean 
ambient sound

Sebastian Menze, Daniel P. Zitterbart, Ilse van Opzeeland, Olaf Boebel
R. Soc. open sci. 2017 4 160370; DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160370. Published 11 January 

This paper describes the natural variability of ambient sound in the Southern 
Ocean, an acoustically pristine marine mammal habitat. Over a 3-year period, 
two autonomous recorders were moored along the Greenwich meridian to collect 
underwater passive acoustic data. Ambient sound levels were strongly affected 
by the annual variation of the sea-ice cover, which decouples local wind speed 
and sound levels during austral winter. With increasing sea-ice concentration, 
area and thickness, sound levels decreased while the contribution of distant 
sources increased. Marine mammal sounds formed a substantial part of the 
overall acoustic environment, comprising calls produced by Antarctic blue 
whales (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia), fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus), 
Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) and leopard seals (Hydrurga 
leptonyx). The combined sound energy of a group or population vocalizing during 
extended periods contributed species-specific peaks to the ambient sound 
spectra. The temporal and spatial variation in the contribution of marine 
mammals to ambient sound suggests annual patterns in migration and behaviour. 
The Antarctic blue and fin whale contributions were loudest in austral autumn, 
whereas the Antarctic minke whale contribution was loudest during austral 
winter and repeatedly showed a diel pattern that coincided with the diel 
vertical migration of zooplankton.

Available online at:

Feel free to contact me for questions at:

This study has been conducted by the ocean acoustic group of the Alfred Wegener 
Institute Helmholtz centre for polar and marine research. Find more information 
about us at:

Best regards,

Sebastian Menze
Stipendiat / PhD fellow
Havforskningsinstituttet / Insituite of Marine Research
Nordnesgaten 33, Bergen, Norway
Phone: +47 45 61 7070

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