The Conservation Foundation for Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia is offering
positions for motivated volunteers and/or students to engage in the Berau
large marine vertebrates program. This long-term program (since 2007) aims
to protect a high diversity of large marine vertebrates including
cetaceans, turtles, whale sharks and manta rays in the Marine Park of
Derawan Archipelago, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Besides raising awareness
and engaging local communities in sustainable handycraft and ecotourism
activities, part of the conservation program includes a long-term
monitoring program of large marine vertebrates in the area. Surveys are
being conducted by the local NGO Yayasan Konservasi RASI (under guidance of
Dr. Danielle Kreb and Ir. Budiono. The research team involves experienced
RASI staff, local students, as well as local and overseas (student)
volunteers. Volunteers are welcome to join the program for 14 days and
conduct an eight-days boat-based monitoring survey in the beautiful and
protected landscape of the Berau archipelago.We will collect data to
determine relative abundance, assessing seasonal species diversity and site
fidelity as well as habitat usage of large marine vertebrates. Besides
photo-id collection of cetaceans, we will also take photo-id of whale
sharks. For 2017 we will focus our monitoring effort on three areas
(Derawan, Maratua, Biduk-Biduk) that are assigned as ecotourism area to
assess long-term distribution patterns and recommendations to local
governments based on megavertebrates distribution/ activity patterns. We
also conduct coral reef monitoring at several locations during the survey
days by snorkling. Cetacean species directly encountered during the surveys
so far include, (dwarf)spinner-, spotted-, Fraser’s-, Risso’s-,
rough-toothed-,long-beaked common dolphins as well as common bottlenose and
Indo-Pacific bottlenose-dolphins, Irrawaddy and Indo-Pacific humpback
dolphins, dwarf sperm whale-, melon-headed- and false killer whales,
sperm-, fin- and humpback whales..Volunteers will have the opportunity to
learn theory and practice of Reefcheck monitoring for the Indo-Pacific. We
also include the opportunity to do recreational things such as snorkling in
the stingless jelly fish lake of Kakaban, visiting caves in Maratua Island,
exploring the famous Mirror lake (Labuan Cermin), Angel waterfall (Air
Terjun Bidadari), indigenous Dayak village and snorkling near Manta Rays
and/or whale sharks following good practice protocols.

Date: 14-27 May & 30 May-11 June

Deadline for applying:  28 February 2017. Selected candidates will be
notified by 3 March 2017. Day by day schedule, qualifications for
volunteers and costs involved (10% discount to students at all degrees or
finished no longer than one year after their degree) can be downloaded from
a flyer posted on our website at:
(click ' read more about this volunteer opportunity').

We are looking forward to your participation!

Regards, Danielle and Budiono

Danielle Kreb (Ph.D.)
Scientific Program Advisor
Yayasan Konservasi RASI
Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia
Komplek Pandan Harum Indah
(Erlyza) Blok C, No. 52
Samarinda 75124
Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia
Tel/ fax: + 62.541.744874
Mobile: 081346489515
Facebook group/page: Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia

Member of IUCN/SSC Cetacean Specialist Group

*“To the dolphin alone, nature has given that which the best*
*philosophers seek: friendship for no advantage. Though it has no*
*need of help from any man, it is a genial friend to all and has helped
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