Dear all,

My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the following publication in Marine 
Mammal Science: Cranial morphology and taxonomic resolution of some dolphin 
taxa (Delphinidae) in Australian waters, with a focus on the genus Tursiops.

Phylogenetic relationships in the family Delphinidae have been widely debated. 
We examined 347 skulls of Tursiops, Stenella, Delphinus, Steno, Lagenodelphis, 
and Sousa in order to resolve the phylogenetic position of Australian species 
of Tursiops. Five Tursiops type specimens were included. Cranial morphology was 
described using 2-dimensional (2-D) and 3-dimensional geometric morphometrics 
(3-GM), counts and categorical data. Analyses showed a clear morphological 
separation of Tursiops, including type specimens, from other genera. The three 
Stenella species did not cluster together. Stenella attenuata clustered with 
Delphinus delphis, and Stenella coeruleoalba with Lagenodelphis hosei. Length 
and width of the skull and rostrum were important discriminators in both 
methods. For 3-D data, round vs. angular posterior skull shape distinguished 
some genera. Taxa that overlapped in the multivariate analyses had different 
mean tooth counts. Our study challenges genetic studies that identified 
Tursiops as polyphyletic, with T. aduncus closer to S. attenuata.

The full citation is Jedensjö, M., Kemper, C.M. and Krützen, M., 2017. Cranial 
morphology and taxonomic resolution of some dolphin taxa (Delphinidae) in 
Australian waters, with a focus on the genus Tursiops. Marine Mammal Science, 
33(1), pp.187-205. A full copy of the manuscript can be downloaded from, or a pdf can be emailed upon 
request from Maria (

Kind regards,
Maria Jedensjö (on behaf of all co-authors)


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