MarMam - 

My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the following publication in JASA:

Short first click intervals in echolocation trains of three species of deep 
diving odontocetes.

All odontocetes produce echolocation clicks as part of their vocal repertoire. 
In this paper the authors analysed inter-click-intervals in recordings from 
suction cup tags with a focus on the first inter-click interval of each click 
train. The authors refer to shorter first inter-click intervals as short first 
intervals (SFIs). The authors found that the context of SFI occurrence varies 
across three deep-diving species. In Blainville's beaked whales, 87% of click 
trains that were preceded by a terminal buzz started with SFIs. In Cuvier's 
beaked whales, only sub-adult animals produced notable amounts of SFIs. In 
contrast, sperm whales were much more likely to produce SFIs on the first click 
train of a dive. While the physiological and/or behavioural reasons for SFI 
click production are unknown, species differences in their production could 
provide a window into the evolution of odontocete echolocation.

The full citation is:
Dunn, C., Tyack, P., Miller, P., and Rendell, L. 2017. Short first click 
intervals in echolocation trains of three species of deep diving odontocetes. 
JASA 141(900). doi: 

You can download the manuscript from: 
<>, or email me for a pdf 
copy ( <>).

kind regards

Charlotte Dunn, PhD
Bahamas Marine Mammal Research Organisation <>
Research Fellow, University of St Andrews
+1 242 366 4155 
+1 242 577 0655 (cell) <>
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