Dear All,
My co-authors and I are happy to announce the publication of the following 

Akkaya Bas A, Christiansen F, Amaha Öztürk A, Öztürk B, McIntosh C (2017) The 
effects of marine traffic on the behaviour of Black Sea harbour porpoises 
(Phocoena phocoena relicta) within the Istanbul Strait, Turkey. PLoS ONE 12(3): 
e0172970. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0172970

The full text can be downloaded from the link 
I hope you enjoy reading it,
Aylin Akkaya BasResearch CoordinatorDeniz Memelileri Araştırma Derneği 
(DMAD)Marine Mammals Research Association+90
Abstract:Marine traffic is threatening cetaceans on a local and global scale. 
The Istanbul Strait is one of the busiest waterways, with up to 2,500 vessels 
present daily. This is the first study to assess the magnitude of short- and 
long-term behavioural changes of the endangered Black Sea harbour porpoises 
(Phocoena phocoena relicta) in the presence of marine vessels within the 
Istanbul Strait. Markov chains were used to investigate the effect of vessel 
presence on the transition probability between behavioural states (diving, 
surface-feeding and travelling), and to quantify the effect on the behavioural 
budget and bout length (duration of time spent in a given state) of porpoises. 
Further, the changes on swimming directions of porpoises in relation to vessel 
speed and distance was investigated using generalized linear models. In vessel 
presence, porpoises were less likely to remain in a given behavioural state and 
instead more likely to switch to another state. Because of this, the bout 
length of all three behavioural states decreased significantly in the presence 
of vessels. The vessel effect was sufficiently large to alter the behavioural 
budget, with surface-feeding decreasing significantly in the presence of 
vessels. However, when taking into account the proportion of time that 
porpoises were exposed to vessels (i.e. 50%), the measured effect size was not 
large enough to significantly alter the animals’ cumulative (diurnal) 
behavioural budget. Additionally, vessel speed and distance had a significant 
effect on the probability of porpoises showing a response in their swimming 
directions. The southern and middle sections of the Istanbul Strait, which have 
the heaviest marine traffic pressure, had the lowest porpoise sightings 
throughout the year. Conversely, northern sections that were exposed to a 
lesser degree of marine traffic hold the highest porpoise sightings. The effect 
shown in this study in combination with increasing human impacts within the 
northern sections should be considered carefully and species-specific 
conservation actions, including establishment of protected areas, should be put 
in place to prevent the long-term consequences of marine traffic on the Black 
Sea harbour porpoise population.

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