Book It ....   July 18-21, 2017

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4th International Symposium on
Acoustic Communication by Animals

July 18-21, 2017

Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium

Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A.

The Acoustical Society of America has partnered with Omaha’s
Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium to bring together a diverse community of
scientists, engineers, teachers and students to the *Fourth International
Symposium on Acoustic Communication by Animals*, to be held July 18-21,
2017 on the grounds of the Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium in Omaha,
Nebraska, U.S.A.

This four-day symposium is designed to address contemporary topics in
animal acoustic communication across a wide range of taxa, including
arthropods, lizards and amphibians, as well as birds, fish and terrestrial
and marine mammals. The emphasis will be to share ideas, data, and
methodologies in the area of animal bioacoustics and communication and to
promote networking opportunities in this ever-growing discipline. Please
plan to attend, participate and share your work.
*When and Where?*

Dates:     *July 18-21, 2017*
Location: *Omaha’s* *Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium*
*                 Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A.*

For more information regarding the location, please visit the *4th
International Symposium Website*

*Desert Dome, Henry Doorly Zoo*

Pre-Symposium Workshop

The scientific program of the 4th International Symposium will be preceded
on Monday, 17 July 2017, by a half-day workshop (1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) in
which key questions related to The Impact of Anthropogenic Noise on Animal
Acoustic Communication will be discussed. The specific goal of the event is
to objectively identify problem areas related to the influence of
anthropogenic noise in diverse ecosystems, as well as consideration of
strategies to mitigate scientifically-validated, adverse consequences of
exposure to man-made noise. The ultimate goal of the workshop is the
development of a guide to enable noise mitigation strategies to promote
and/or restore natural soundscapes. The workshop is free to all registrants.

Omaha, Nebraska

*Call for Abstracts*

We invite you to participate in the *4th International Symposium*. Those
interested in giving an oral or poster presentation must submit an abstract
by *May 1st, 2017*. The abstract submission period is now open. Two-page
extended abstracts must be submitted using the format of the template
provided on the abstract submission website. For details on the submission
process and to submit an abstract, please visit the *4th International
Symposium Website*
*Important Dates*

Workshop: *July 17, 2017* (1-5 pm)

Symposium: *July 18-21, 2017*

Abstract Submission Deadline:
*May 1, 2017*

Early Registration Deadline:
*May 1,2017*

Hotel Reservation (special rates) Deadline:* June 21, 2017*

*Keynote and Invited Speakers*

We have an extraordinary slate of keynote and invited speakers, covering a
broad range of topics and taxa, including:

   - Ximena Bernal (*Purdue Univ.*)
   - Dan Blumstein (*Univ. of California Los Angeles*)
   - Henrik Brumm (*Max Planck Institute for Ornithology*)
   - Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard (*Univ. of Southern Denmark*)
   - Eileen Hebets (*Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln*) *(keynote)*
   - Vincent Janik (*Univ. of St. Andrews*) *(keynote)*
   - Laura Kloepper (*St. Mary's College*)
   - Georg Klump (*Univ. of Oldenburg*)
   - Geoff Manley (*Univ. of Oldenburg*)
   - Marta Manser (*Univ. of Zurich*) *(keynote)*
   - Laura May-Collado (*Univ. of Vermont*)
   - Cory Miller (*Univ. California San Diego*)
   - Susan Parks (*Syracuse Univ.*)
   - Colleen Reichmuth (*Univ. of California Santa Cruz*)
   - Johannes Schul (*Univ. of Missouri*)
   - Brad Story (*Univ. of Arizona*)
   - Frédéric Theunissen (*Univ. of California Berkeley*) *(keynote)*

For more information, please visit the 4th International Symposium Website

*Registration is Now Open*

Early registration is now open and the deadline for special, discounted
rates is *May 1st, 2017*.  For details regarding registration fees and to
register for the symposium, please visit the 4th International Symposium

*Key Links*

Symposium Website

Abstract Submission


Hotel Reservation

*Scientific Program Organizing Committee*

   - Mark Bee (*University of Minnesota*)
   - Kirsten Bohn (*Johns Hopkins University*)
   - Micheal Dent (*University at Buffalo, SUNY*)
   - Robert Dooling (*University of Maryland*)
   - Christine Erbe (*Curtin University*)
   - JoAnn McGee (*Boys Town National Research Hospital*)
   - Julie Oswald (*University of St. Andrews*)
   - Ed Walsh (*Boys Town National Research Hospital*) (Chair)

*Advisory Committee*

   - Whitlow Au (*University of Hawaii*)
   - Susan E. Fox (*Acoustical Society of America Executive Director*)
   - David Mellinger (*Oregon State University*)
   - Cynthia Moss (*Johns Hopkins University*)
   - Charles Schmid (*Former Acoustical Society of America Executive
   - Andrea Simmons (*Brown University*)

*Contact Information*
For more information or questions, please contact Edward Walsh at
1-402-498-6701 <(402)%20498-6701> or


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4th Symposium Acoustic Communication by Animals

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