Myself and coauthors are are pleased to announce the following publication in 
Journal of Heredity that investigates genetic kinship in stranded Gray’s beaked 

Selina Patel, Kirsten F. Thompson, Anna W. Santure, Rochelle Constantine, Craig 
D. Millar; Genetic Kinship Analyses Reveal That Gray’s Beaked Whales Strand in 
Unrelated Groups. J Hered 2017 esx021. doi: 10.1093/jhered/esx021


Some marine mammals are so rarely seen that their life history and social 
structure remain a mystery. Around New Zealand, Gray’s beaked whales 
(Mesoplodon grayi) are almost never seen alive, yet they are a commonly 
stranded species. Gray’s are unique among the beaked whales in that they 
frequently strand in groups, providing an opportunity to investigate their 
social organization. We examined group composition and genetic kinship in 113 
Gray’s beaked whales with samples collected over a 20-year period. Fifty-six 
individuals stranded in 19 groups (2 or more individuals), and 57 whales 
stranded individually. Mitochondrial control region haplotypes and 
microsatellite genotypes (16 loci) were obtained for 103 whales. We estimated 
pairwise relatedness between all pairs of individuals and average relatedness 
within, and between, groups. We identified 6 mother–calf pairs and 2 
half-siblings, including 2 whales in different strandings 17 years and 1500 km 
apart. Surprisingly, none of the adults stranding together were related 
suggesting that groups are not formed through the retention of kin. These data 
suggest that both sexes may disperse from their mothers, and groups consisting 
of unrelated subadults are common. We also found no instances of paternity 
within the groups. Our results provide the first insights into dispersal, 
social organization, and the mating system in this rarely sighted species. Why 
whales strand is still unknown but, in Gray’s beaked whales, the dead can tell 
us much about the living.

The full text can be accessed through: 

More details or pdf requests please feel free to contact me on <>

Kind regards,

Kirsten Thompson & Coauthors


Kirsten Thompson
Molecular Ecology and Evolution Group
Biosciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences
University of Exeter, UK

Skype: kirsten.thompson1
tel: +44 (0)7841 695569

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