Smultea Sciences and my co-author and I are pleased to announce and share an 
Open Access PDF link to our recent publication entitled "Assessing 'observer 
effects' from an aircraft on behavior of three Delphinidae species (Grampus 
griseus, Delphinus delphis, and Orcinus orca)" in the journal Wildlife Biology 
in Practice based on our observations, video and photos taken from a circling 
research aircraft during 2009-2011.


We systematically video-documented three species of Delphinidae: Risso's 
dolphin (Grampus griseus), short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), and 
killer whale (Orcinus orca) in the Southern California Bight (2009-2011) to 
assess whether the observation aircraft (fixed-wing Partenavia) affected 
selected behavioral variables. Focal observations were conducted to examine 
potential changes in group cohesion and heading reorientation rate, to the 
plane circling at four altitudes: 213 m, 305 m, 457 m, and 610 m, while 
maintaining a radial distance >500 m. Paired t-tests were used to test the null 
hypothesis that mean maximum cohesion and mean reorientation of groups do not 
vary significantly based on plane altitude. For cohesion, no significant 
effects were found for the eight G. griseus focal sessions (p = 0.447), one D. 
delphis (p = 0.602), and one O. orca (p = 0.197). For reorientation, no 
significant effects were found for the eight G. griseus focal sessions (p = 
0.591) and one O. orca (p = 0.936); the sample size was too small to calculate 
reorientation for D. delphis. Our results suggest that our small plane circling 
at radial distance >500 m and altitude 213 - 610 m did not cause measurable 
changes in cohesion and reorientation or other observable changes for the three 
species. We believe this is due to the aircraft remaining >500 m radial 
distance from the animals and at altitudes well outside the theoretical 
26-degree sound transmission cone ("Snell's Cone") below the aircraft for the 
air-through-water interface.

This article can be found at:

Mari A. Smultea, MSc, PhD
Chief Scientist/CEO
Smultea Sciences (SES)<><>
(707) 362-5376
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