Good afternoon,

Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), NOAA Fisheries is charged
with the conservation and protection of marine mammals, including the
appropriate authorization of otherwise prohibited incidental take.

NOAA Fisheries has reviewed five separate requests for authorization
<> for
take of marine mammals incidental to geophysical surveys in support of
hydrocarbon exploration in the Atlantic Ocean. The applicants propose to
conduct 2-D seismic surveys within the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s
Mid- and South Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf Planning Areas.

NOAA Fisheries proposes to issue authorizations for these surveys with
appropriate mitigation and monitoring measures to reduce impacts to marine
mammals. We based our decision on extensive reviews of scientific
literature on the effects of noise on marine mammals and their habitat as
well as public comment received on the applications.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has responsibility for permitting
these surveys and is the agency charged with making decisions about energy
development in waters of the outer continental shelf.

NOAA Fisheries’ role is to ensure we minimize any impacts to marine mammals
from these activities. We are accepting public comment on our proposed
authorizations until July 7, 2017. You can find the proposed authorizations
and links to provide public comment here

Jonathan Shannon
*Outreach Specialist*

*NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources*Office: 301-427-8431
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