Hello MARMAM colleagues:
I am conducting research for a marine animal rescue organisation. I am 
preparing a report focused on National regulations, legislation, and 
operational guidelines regarding the rescue and rehabilitation of marine 
animals, with a special focus on marine mammals.

Can you direct me to relevant publications describing regulations and 
guidelines regarding these issues?
I have searched a variety of websites and found various documents but few seem 
The intersection between wildlife protection, stranding recording 
organisations, activism’s concerns, and scientific research, effectively buries 
what I am seeking. I am looking for ways to get beneath a lot of obscuring 
general and/or highly specific information.

Our interest is regarding the legalities, requirements, and standards relative 
to live standings, their care, rehabilitation, and release particularly, but 
includes policies and guidelines regarding euthanasia, necropsies, and data 
retention and reporting.

Any help you can give is very much appreciated.
If you have any questions about this project, or how you might assist our 
research, please do not hesitate to inquire.

Kind regards,

Dr. C. Scott Taylor
Exec. Dir. Cetacean Studies Institute
MARMAM mailing list

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