Dear MARMAM community:

My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the following publication
through Animal Behaviour.

*Krzyszczyk, Ewa*, Patterson, Eric, Stanton, Margaret, & Mann, Janet. The
transition to independence: Sex differences in social and behavioural
development of wild bottlenose dolphins. Animal Behaviour 129: 43-59.

Sex differences in adult behaviour are well documented, but less is known
about the ontogeny of these differences. In mammals, the transition to
independence, from infancy to the juvenile period, is when these sex
differences are likely to become prominent. Here, we examined sex
differences in behavioural development among calf and juvenile bottlenose
dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) from two years pre-weaning to two years
post-weaning and whether these differences were consistent, or not, with
three non-mutually exclusive hypotheses regarding the function of the
juvenile period: the social skills, protection/safety, and energy
allocation hypothesis. All hypotheses received some support, but strikingly
so for females. First, sex differences in the nature and quality of
juvenile social bonds appear to foreshadow adult association patterns.
Juveniles had a greater proportion of same-sex associates than calves.
Second, although neither sex increased their number of associates from
infancy to juvenility, a pattern that might mitigate predation risk,
avoidance between juveniles and adult males suggests that both sexes reduce
the likelihood of conspecific aggression. This pattern was more marked for
juvenile females. Third, females, but not males, increased foraging rates
from late infancy to the early juvenile period, even surpassing typical
adult female foraging rates. This is likely related to the future energetic
demands of maternal investment and skill development required for
specialized foraging tactics, which are female biased in this population.
This study provides a first step towards understanding the transition into
independence for cetaceans, insight into how sex differences develop and a
glimpse into the function of the juvenile period.

The article is available for free for until July 27th at If you would like a pdf or have
any questions, or just want to geek out about juveniles with me! please
email myself at ( Please also see my website ( for a popular science type article
regarding this new publication.

Thank you,

Ewa Krzyszczyk, PhD
Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Georgetown University
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