Alaska Whale Foundation (AWF) is seeking volunteers to participate in a series 
of research, monitoring and data analysis projects at its remote field station 
on Baranof Island, Southeast Alaska (latitude 57.0877 N, longitude 134.8342 W). 
Volunteers will assist primarily in collecting and/or analyzing data for:

• Research on humpback whale social structure, abundance patterns and health 

• Long-term landbird acoustic monitoring

• Terrestrial habitat mapping

The CCC is a cooperative living environment so, in addition to assisting in 
field sampling and data analyses, volunteers will be responsible for cooking, 
cleaning and basic equipment maintenance. Volunteers are expected to cover 
their own costs of getting to/from Petersburg AK and to supply their own 
foul-weather gear (rain gear, boots, etc.) appropriate for work in the 
Southeast Alaskan temperate rainforest.  In return for participation, AWF will 

• Transportation between the field station and Petersburg

• Room and board

• Mustang-style survival suits and additional safety gear

Volunteers are expected to arrive in Petersburg by noon on June 23 and will be 
returned on the morning of August 17. Because of travel logistics within 
Southeast Alaska these dates are not flexible.  All applicants will be 
considered; however, preference will be given to individuals that are/have:

• Pursuing or recently awarded a BA/BS degree in biology, environmental science 
or similar field

• Boating experience

• Experience working in remote field settings

• Experience with terrestrial and/or marine sampling

• An ability to work well with colleagues in both research and cooperative 
living situations

Interested individuals should apply online at  Applications must be submitted 
no later than February 16 @ 5:00pm Pacific Standard Time.  For more information 
on Alaska Whale Foundation and the Center for Coastal Conservation, please 
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