Marine Conservation Cambodia seeks Marine Mammal Research Interns

* Marine Conservation Cambodia is an NGO based on the island of Koh Ach
Seh, in Cambodia's Kep Archipelago. The organisation has many facets,
including working to stop illegal fishing practices, ecological and social
science research and using collected data to implement conservation
legislation.  *

*The Cambodian Marine Mammal Conservation Project is Cambodia's first long
term marine mammal research program. The Project was initiated in September
2017, and represents a collaborative effort between Marine Conservation
Cambodia <>, the DMAD Marine
Mammals Research Association <> and the Dolphin Division
of Cambodia's Fisheries Administration. The project's primary aim is to
collect data on abundance, distribution and residency to delineate and
protect critical habitats for the Irrawaddy dolphin in Cambodia's Kep
Archipelago.  *

*Marine mammal research methods *

   - Land and boat surveys for behavior observation study;
   - photo-identification techniques;
   - passive acoustic monitoring;
   - social science.

*Related activities*

   - Data entry;
   - report writing and producing peer-reviewed publications;
   - education and outreach.

We are looking for dedicated interns to join our marine mammal research
team.  There is an internship fee of $300 USD/week, covering:

   - all food, water, accommodation;
   - scuba diving (if qualified);
   - training in cetacean survey techniques, seahorse survey techniques,
   reef survey techniques.

*Discounts are available for longer durations or for individuals with
significant relevant experience*.

If you are interested or would like to know further information, please
send an email to  or take a look at our
MARMAM mailing list

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