
On behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to announce the publication of a new 
paper on beaked whale foraging ecology. Using new methods to directly measure 
prey characteristics at the depths where these deep-diving animals forage, we 
compare the relative quality of nearby foraging habitats. Substantial spatial 
heterogeneity was observed and is considered in light of patterns of beaked 
whale usage of these areas, within which they are commonly exposed to military 
active sonars.

Southall, B.L., Benoit-Bird, K.J., Moline, M.A., and Moretti, D. (2019). 
Quantifying deep-sea predator-prey dynamics: implications of biological 
heterogeneity for beaked whale conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology;

The full .pdf is available through Open Access at:

The abstract of the article is provided below:

  1.  Prey distribution and density drive predator habitat usage and foraging 
behaviour. Understanding ecological relationships is necessary for effective 
management in any environment but can be challenging in certain contexts. While 
there has been substantial effort to quantify human disturbance for some 
protected, deep‐diving marine mammals, there are virtually no direct 
measurements of deep‐sea predator–prey dynamics.
  2.  We used recently developed techniques to measure deep‐water squid 
abundance, size and distribution within foraging habitat areas of deep‐diving 
Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) on and around a Navy training 
range where sonar is often used. Beaked whales are a management priority as 
both mortal strandings and sublethal disturbance have occurred in association 
with Navy mid‐frequency sonar.
  3.  We found large differences in prey (squid) abundance over small 
horizontal distances. Highest squid densities occurred within a commonly 
utilized foraging area on the range. Much lower prey abundance was measured in 
adjacent, bathymetrically similar areas less commonly used for foraging.
  4.  By combining prey densities with available behavioural and energetic 
data, we generate relativistic energetic assessments of foraging habitat 
quality. This provides a simple, yet quantitative means of evaluating fitness 
implications of spatial prey heterogeneity and associated consequences of 
  5.  Synthesis and applications. Given the challenges deep‐diving predators 
face with limited foraging time in extreme environments, small‐scale prey 
heterogeneity can have substantial implications for foraging success. Our 
results provide fine‐scale data within neighbouring beaked whale foraging 
habitat areas commonly disturbed by sonars. These results have direct 
management implications and inform population‐level models of disturbance 
consequences with empirical data on the foraging ecology of these protected 
species. These issues have been at the heart of recent debate and litigation 
over spatial management and proposed sonar exclusion zones, which have 
previously been based entirely on indirect assumptions regarding habitat 
quality. While limited in temporal and spatial scope, our novel results provide 
the first direct ecological data to inform such applied decisions. They also 
highlight broader regulatory implications of different disturbance consequences 
in nearby areas and demonstrate the value of empirical, biologically based 
approaches to spatial management of marine ecosystems generally.

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