Greetings MARMAM,
We are excited to announce the publication of our newest Note in Marine Mammal
Science titled "Food-sharing in rough-toothed dolphins off southwestern Mexico."
Access the article here:

Lay abstract:Food sharing is common in the animal kingdom but rarely reported in
marine mammals since it is challenging to observe their feeding behaviors in the
wild. Here, we describe food sharing by rough-toothed dolphins, an open ocean
dolphin species, off the southwestern coast of Mexico. We observed two dolphins
exchanging a fish back and forth during a complex series of exchanges from the
perspective of a drone. This is the second time this behavior has been
documented in this species and our findings highlight the need for further study
of the importance of food sharing in dolphin societies.
Citation:Ramos, EA,Kiszka, JJ,Pouey‐Santalou, V,Ramírez Barragán, R,García
Chávez, AJ,Audley, K.Food sharing in rough‐toothed dolphins off southwestern
Mexico.Mar Mam  Sci.2020;1–26.
If you are interested in receiving a copy or have any questions, please feel
free to email me (Eric) at Thank you!
Best regards,
************************************************  Eric Angel Ramos
Ph.D. Candidate in Animal Behavior & Comparative PsychologyThe Graduate Center,
City University of New YorkFundación Internacional para la Naturaleza y la
Sustentabilidad (FINS)Student Member-At-Large for the Society for Marine
MammalogyMember of the IUCN SSC Sirenian Specialist Group for Mesoamerica
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