Dear MARMAN colleagues,


we are pleased to share with you our recent publication on passive 
electroreception in bottlenose dolphins in The Anatomical Record’s special 
issue on marine mammal sensors systems. Our results establish passive 
electroreception as a supplementary sensory modality in this species that could 
facilitate short-range prey detection. The fact that the bottlenose dolphins is 
the second species to have this sense suggests that electroreception might be 
present in other dolphin species as well. 


Hüttner, T., Fersen, L. von, Miersch, L., Czech, N. U., & Dehnhardt, G. (2021). 
Behavioral and anatomical evidence for electroreception in the bottlenose 
dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). The Anatomical Record. Advance online 



In the order of cetacean, the ability to detect bioelectric fields has, up to 
now, only been demonstrated in the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) and is 
suggested to facilitate benthic feeding. As this foraging strategy has also 
been reported for bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), we studied 
electroreception in this species by combining an anatomical analysis of 
“vibrissal crypts” as potential electroreceptors from neonate and adult animals 
with a behavioral experiment. In the latter, four bottlenose dolphins were 
trained on a go/no-go paradigm with acoustic stimuli and afterward tested for 
stimulus generalization within and across modalities using acoustic, optical, 
mechanical, and electric stimuli. While neonates still possess almost complete 
vibrissal follicles including a hair shaft, hair papilla, and cavernous sinus, 
adult bottlenose dolphins lack these features. Thus, their “vibrissal crypts” 
show a similar postnatal morphological transformation from a mechanoreceptor to 
an electroreceptor as in Sotalia. However, innervation density was high and 
almost equal in both, neonate as well as adult animals. In the stimulus 
generalization tests the dolphins transferred the go/no-go response within and 
across modalities. Although all dolphins responded spontaneously to the first 
presentation of a weak electric field, only three of them showed perfect 
transfer in this modality by responding continuously to electric field 
amplitudes of 1.5 mV cm−1, successively reduced to 0.5 mV cm−1. 
Electroreception can explain short-range prey detection in crater-feeding 
bottlenose dolphins. The fact that this is the second odontocete species with 
experimental evidence for electroreception suggests that it might be widespread 
in this marine mammal group.


Best regards,

Tim Hüttner



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