Dear MARMAM community

My co-authors and I are thrilled to announce the publication of our latest

Gelippi, M., Caraveo-Patiño, J., Gauger, M.F.W. *et al.* Isotopic
composition of the eastern gray whale epidermis indicates contribution of
prey outside Arctic feeding grounds. *Sci Rep* 12, 7055 (2022).

The full article can be freely read and downloaded at:

Eastern gray whales’ distribution range and plasticity in feeding behavior
complicates the understanding of critical life-history such as pregnancy
and lactation. Our goal was to determine if females who experienced
gestation, gave birth, and lactated their calves, assimilated a high
proportion of benthic amphipods from the Bering Sea, which are considered
the species’ main prey. We used Bayesian stable isotope mixing models to
estimate the probability of contribution of food items sampled along the
species’ distributional range, using isotopic data on amphipods from the
Bering Sea, mysids from Vancouver Island, and amphipods and polychaetes
from Ojo de Liebre Lagoon. We sampled epidermal tissue from lactating
females (n = 25) and calves (n = 34) and analyzed their carbon and nitrogen
isotopic composition. Model outcome indicated that benthic amphipods from
the Bering Sea were not the primary food for the eastern gray whale. Each
mother performed a different feeding strategy, and prey from Vancouver
Island were generally as important as that from the Bering Sea. Moreover,
model results indicate a constant use of Ojo de Liebre Lagoon as a feeding
ground. Our results appear to agree with previous studies that report
continuous feeding by females to satisfy certain physiological requirements
(e.g., fatty acids omega-6) during migration and breeding time. Future
investigations of the isotopic composition of all those prey items that
could be assimilated by the eastern gray whale emerge as critical. Both
historical and recent information, that would provide insights in the
species feeding ecology under past and present environmental conditions,
should be considered as equally important to establish conservation and
management plans.



Michelle Gelippi (PhD)
Marine Biologist
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