Hello everyone,

On behalf of our team here in Japan at Mutsu Bay Dolphin Research, I would
like to announce the publication of our new paper:

'Calf-directed aggression as a possible infanticide attempt in Pacific
white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens).'

Our latest work has been published in the current issue of Aquatic Mammals
and can be found here:


We report the first case of conspecific calf-directed aggression in Pacific
white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) as a possible infanticide
attempt in Mutsu Bay, Japan. Our observation of a 75-minute-long persistent
attack on a neonate was performed by 10 attackers (4 adult males, 1
possible male, and 5 of unknown sex) and left the neonate with visible
injuries. Only one individual was recorded for the entirety of the event
and was regarded as the suspected mother, displaying protective behaviours
towards the neonate as well as being the target of coercive guarding and
sexual behaviours, such as mounting, by the attackers. The observation
featured a distinct group composition change in which after 50 minutes the
attack was taken over by a new group of attackers. There was a brief
overlap between the groups in which some dolphins from the first group
surfaced with the second. Excluding the mother and calf, only two
individuals that were observed towards the end of the first group attack,
remained with the second group until the end of the observation. The first
group of attackers did not make further aggressive attempts on the neonate
or presumed mother, and no conflict between the two groups was witnessed.
The second group continued the attack with significantly increased
aggression and a greater array of behavioural types than the first, often
dividing into two approximately 5-10 m distanced subgroups, one that herded
the suspected mother and another that focused on attacking the neonate. Our
study analysed the frequency and variety of behavioural types used in the
attack and compared them between individuals and the two separate attack
groups. The group change we observed is absent from the literature on
conspecific calf-directed attacks in other cetacean species and, if this is
an infanticide attempt, provides new insight into the social structure of
Pacific white-sided dolphins.

Feel free to get in touch:

Many Thanks,
Leanne Rosser

Mutsu Bay Dolphin Research
Aomori, Japan
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