Dear colleagues,

My co-authors and I are happy to announce the publication of the following 
paper in Marine Mammal Science:

Glarou, M., Gero, S., Frantzis, A., Brotons, J. M., Vivier, F., Alexiadou, P., 
Cerdà, M., Pirotta, E., & Christiansen, F. (2022). Estimating body mass of 
sperm whales from aerial photographs. Marine Mammal Science, 1–23.


Body mass is a fundamental feature of animal physiology. Although sperm whales 
(Physeter macrocephalus) are the largest toothed predators on earth, body mass 
is seldom included in studies of their ecophysiology and bioenergetics due to 
the inherent difficulties of obtaining direct measurements. We used 
UAV-photogrammetry to estimate the weight of free-ranging sperm whales. Aerial 
photographs (23 calves, 11 juveniles, 55 nonmother adults, 13 mothers) were 
collected in the Eastern Caribbean and Mediterranean Sea during 2017–2020. Body 
length, widths, and heights (dorso-ventral distance at 5% increments) were 
measured from dorsal and lateral photographs, while body volume was calculated 
using an elliptical model. Volume varied noticeably (12.01 ± 4.79 m3) in larger 
animals (>8 m), indicating fluctuations in body condition of adults and 
mothers. Volume was converted to mass, using tissue-density estimates from 
catch data, animal-borne tags, and body-tissue composition. Average total body 
density ranged from 834 to 1,003 kg/m3, while the weight predictions matched 
with existing measurements and weight-length relationships. Our body-mass 
models can be used to study sperm whale bioenergetics, including inter- and 
intraseasonal variations in body condition, somatic growth, metabolic rates, 
and cost of reproduction.

The paper is open-access and can be accessed from the following link:

Best regards,

Maria Glarou

PhD Fellow
Húsavík Research Centre
University of Iceland
Hafnarstétt 3, 640 Húsavík

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